
Infopoint Chiavenna

23022 - Chiavenna (SO) Piazza Caduti della libertà, 3
T 0343 37485

Bis 31. März 2025
Montag bis Freitag: 9:00-12:40 e 14:00-18:00
Samstag: 9:00-12:40 e 14-18:50
Sonntag: geschlossen


Infopoint Madesimo

23022 - Madesimo (SO) Via alle Scuole
T 0343 53015

Täglich geöffnet: 9.00-12.30 / 15.00-18.00.


Infopoint Campodolcino

23022 - Campodolcino (SO) Via D.R. Ballerini, 2
T 0343 50611

Montag, Mittwoch e Sonntag: 9-12.30 
Freitag: 15.00-18.00
Samstag: 9-12.30, 15.00-18.00
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Mysteries Miths or Martians

Vho. An odd name indeed. It brings to mind an old black and white TV series of the 70’s, “Doctor Who” now a cult film niche. Science fiction at its best featuring an enigmatic character, a reality-transforming time-traveller cloaked within an aura of genuine mystery.
And the tiny hamlet of Vho in Vallespluga is no stranger to its very own enigma and fascination. Situated between Cimaganda and Campodolcino, nestling within a lush, peaceful plain and overlooked by austere, looming cliff-sides.
It’s right here you discover the “Scribàita”, an enormous geometric design carved in granite, which has never been fully understood or explained. Few even know how to actually find it. So - look on the right side of the mountain below the Stuzzo tunnel hidden behind dense ...

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Magical, Mystical Montespluga

“It’s not easy to comprehend that one’s ego is a particular constraint and that planet earth is the way to experience the infinite”. (Yogi Bhajan) “Kundalini, literally “the lock of hair of the beloved” in ...

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Storia e storie di Fraciscio

Testo a cura di Guido Scaramellini
Centro studi storici Valchiavennaschi

Credo che nessun toponimo abbia subìto da chi non è del posto tante storpiature quanto Fraciscio. Molto spesso ne si ...

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Progetto CMV4Clima CLIMAAX
CMV4Clima Valutazione del rischio climatico specifico al contesto e strategie di adattamento per il territorio alpino della Valchiavenna" è finanziato dal progetto europeo CLIMAAX (CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX),che ha l´obiettivo di dare supporto finanziario, ...
Bando Esame Guida Turistica
Da anni si attendeva questa notizia: il Ministero del Turismo ha emanato a fine gennaio il bando per l’esame di abilitazione alla professione di guida turistica.   Un forte segnale dell’importanza di questa professione, essenziale per valorizzare il nostro patrimonio culturale che non solo riguarda ...
Mulino Scartazzini
Storia della macinazione   Il nostro viaggio nelle terre svizzere dei Grigioni di lingua italiana, ci porta in Val Bregaglia, nel villaggio di Promontogno. Appena pochi chilometri dopo il confine con l’Italia, ai piedi del Pizzo Badile e sulle rive del fiume Maira, il Mulino Scartazzini si presenta in ...
North lake Como
"North Lake Como - Associazione Turismo e Commercio Alto Lago di Como" è un´Associazione senza scopo di lucro costituita il.9 marzo 2017 dalle Associazioni Turistiche Visit Dongo, Visit Gravedona ed Uniti, Promozione Domaso, Upper Lake. Como e Viva Colico con lo scopo di promuovere la ...
I Luoghi del Cuore
Ognuno di noi è emotivamente legato a luoghi unici che rappresentano una parte importante della nostra vita e che vorremmo fossero protetti per sempre. Votali al Censimento I Luoghi del Cuore, contribuirai ad offrirgli un futuro. Per sempre, per tutti.   Basta poco per salvare i luoghi che ...
Spell binding Soglio
The village sits at 1090 m and you can get there by car. It serves up unparalleled vista. The view opens onto the Valle Bondasca and the magnificent Gruppo Sciora, dominated by Pizzo Cengalo (3369 m) and Pizzo Badile (3305 m). Majestic granite peaks covered in snow even in summertime, with their physicality standing ...
Where to park your bench!
“We spend our life,” said Nobel prize winning playwright Samuel Beckett, “trying to bring together in the same instant a ray of sunshine and a free bench”. Sun-kissed, my free bench would be modest. Simple, wooden, unpainted with a few random splinters. And not over-comfortable. Three struts for a seat with a further ...
An unstoppable force
text di RAYMOND BALL photo di FRANCESCO TRIACA   It can’t have been by chance that the location chosen by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for the “ultimate” duel between hero Sherlock Holmes and his arch-enemy Professor Moriarty was the spectacular Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland. Or indeed that ...
Take me by the hand innto a land of dreams
Whether illuminated by bright sunshine or bathed in gentle rain, it remains utterly  charming: the Lario landscape captivates at first glance. Alongside feelings of joy or melancholy, contemplation of its waters stir the soul, with emotions most often hidden within, emerging. Upper Lake Como is full of romance and ...
taking good look at historic residences
In the Oltremera district of Chiavenna, not far from the church of San Bartolomeo,a building currently undergoing restoration has always attracted the attention of the more curious. Despite having widespread peeling plaster, faded paintwork, closed and dusty shutters, the presence of beautiful architectural ...
De Tanti just sold it
"Just sold it" is the watchword that welcomes customers of Andrea de Tanti’s real estate agency, at his new offices at 10 via Consoli Chiavennaschi in Chiavenna. It’s an expression that perfectly represents the philosophy of the agency, which aims for quick sales without unnecessary delays thanks ...
The wind in your hair
“Eleonora, are you ready to turn?” I position myself astride the daggerboard in the centre of the hull, keeping my torso parallel to the surface of the water with my head well down I reply: “I’m ready!” “Perfect! 3, 2, 1: we’re turning” Francesco allows the boom to ...
Mountain in black
Lofty uplands, dark uplands: in recent years, mountains have proved well capable of not only seducing and attracting tourists and travellers, but also of transforming themselves into the sets of a host of “dark” tales, from detective stories to thrillers, noir to investigative capers. Much-loved ...
The Albigna valley is the perfect spot where you can practise a wide range of outdoor sports in Autumn. Reachable either on foot or by using the convenient cable car, the area is amongst the most appreciated destinations for enthusiasts for the upper mountains. We are in Switzerland, in a setting where the ...
Six legged excursions
Six-legged excursions. Guide to the Pathways of Valchiavenna, quite possibly with a dog for company.   Can you recommend a hike? My project to produce the guide “Valchiavenna Trails” was born from this constantly directed question. But I should start by saying: the book is not intended to be a ...
Dutch biker
When it rains chestnuts! Discovering Autumn in Valchiavenna through the eyes of a Dutch biker. Valchiavenna was the muse and inspiration of a quite extraordinary reportage, which last October saw the Dutch journalist Roman Helinski and photographer David Peskens as protagonists. On their bicycles, they explored ...
Touring Eco Program
DESTINAZIONE  CHIAVENNA IN CAMMINO VERSO LA SOSTENIBILITÀ AMBIENTALE Si chiama Touring Eco Program il progetto focalizzato sulla sostenibilità ambientale con il quale il TCI ha supportato Chiavenna (destinazione certificata con la Bandiera Arancione in provincia di Sondrio) nel miglioramento ...
Valchiavenna family friendly
A misura di famiglie, a misura di bambino.   Gli operatori turistici della Valchiavenna sono pronti ad accogliere famiglie e bambini con proposte ad hoc ed un colorato bevenuto. Una certificazione che attesta un percorso di formazione, voluto per offrire un soggiorno in strutture con servizi mirati e dedicati ...
Celtic roots
Since ancient times, the Valle Spluga has been a transit territory for nomadic populations making their way to the Mediterranean regions from the north. The Alps have never formed an unsurmountable bastion and have therefore been subject to human settlements ever since postglacial times and the retreating ...
Shopping in the historic centre
Put your hand up if you haven’t treated yourself at least once to a relaxing break dedicated to a shopping spree. The historic alleys of Chiavenna, lined with elegant shops and stately buildings are perfect along which to peruse the illuminated windows displaying fashion items and fancy objects. Shopping in the ...
Green Homes
Studio Immobiliare De Tanti clearly has its finger on the pulse. The intervention of the European Union with its “green homes” directive aims to reduce harmful emissions by 55% compared to 1990 and then achieve zero emissions by 2050. This, through the redevelopment of building stock and the improvement of ...
Presepe di Villa di Chiavenna
Il presepe di Villa di Chiavenna richiama, come ogni anno, numerosi turisti e curiosi, incantati dalle splendide opere artigianali realizzate dalla gente del posto e con tantissimi personaggi della natività, tutti rigorosamente a grandezza naturale.   Cammelli, artigiani, pecore e tanti altri personaggi ...
Pedalling beyond the limits
“Raising the bar”. A concept within the sporting world which represents the very foundation of advancement, in addition to the stimulus aimed at improving one’s performance. And it is precisely with this objective in mind that Roberto Galli straps on his helmet and climbs aboard his bike, whether for ...
Bregaglia Heroics
The river Mera is a natural source of clean Energy. A series of plants along the splendid Val Bregaglia are fed by a complex network of pipelines, and the chain operates in a virtuous fashion. For a decade between the end of the 1940’s and ‘50’s, Italy and Switzerland combined to create a complex and heroic system of ...
Lake Como winter on the lake
by Chiara Bizzanelli   When the peaks of the western Alto Lario become snow-capped, they provide the ideal setting for practising winter sports in a wild and unspoiled environment. It is an area that remains little frequented in winter but for those adventurous enough to tackle it with snowshoes or skis it can ...
Family holidays on the farm
Envigorating family holidays at the heart of nature. An experience to be enjoyed in contact with local people who know their area inside out and who produce cheeses and cured meats for the tables of Valchiavenna, with a passion. Precisely why farm holidays are an increasingly popular choice for families. Spending days ...
On the lake in summer
With summer well on its way, the western upper Lario area might well prove the ideal destination for lovers of outdoor activities. Water sports are an enduring attraction. Enthusiasts can choose between some of the more adrenaline-pumping disciplines, such as windsurfing or kitesurfing, and other perhap more ...
And its connoisseur
A visit to the splendid residence in the municipalityof Piuro under the watchful eye of guide Ralph Oliver Gschwind Guanella is a fine opportunity to uncover details and little-known secrets.   To describe Ralph Oliver Gschwind Guanella as the "guardian" of the Palazzo Vertemate Franchi is something of an ...
A passion for cheese
Sergio Pedroni is a passionate young cattle breeder. His territory lays in the Swiss Val Bregaglia. Vicosoprano to be precise. A landscape dominated by Pizzo Badile. Together with his father Tarcisio and his family he looks after around thirty cattles of the bruno alpina breed, processing around 180,000 litres of milk ...
Sport for all ages and for life
The greatest pole valuter of all time visits Chiavenna and Madesimo with a view to the winter world master games 2024. February 21,1993, fully 30 years ago and Sergej Bubka in Donetsk rams his pole into the ground and takes off to achieve the jump that was to propel him rightfully into athletic history. He ...
Una sigla per cinque lettere, Bcpod, bici e contenitore, a inquadrare un obiettivo e a rafforzare un progetto più ampio. Il Comune di Chiavenna, insieme al Consorzio Turistico Valchiavenna, intensifica l´azione strutturata di promozione del cicloturismo attraverso una nuova iniziativa: ...
Consulenza, sviluppo e realizzazione di software e hardware negli ambiti di ICT, Internet of Things, robotica e piattaforme destinate ad internet e ad ogni tipo di servizio digitale innovativo inclusi servizi digital real estate e marketing del metaverso. Consulenza e sviluppo sul mondo Blockchain e ...
La rete di ospitalità diffusa nel cuore della Valchiavenna.   Vivi il territorio della Valchiavenna attraverso i migliori alloggi della nostra rete. Entra in contatto diretto con i proprietari dimenticando inutili intermediari e commissioni. Gusta ed ama il territorio attraverso le migliori ...
Lake granite peaks and solar power
Lake Albigna stretches into a side valley bearing the same name in Bregaglia. We&´re in Switzerland, just a handful of km from the border with Italy between Castasegna and Villa di Chiavenna. Set in an almost lunar panorama, at around 2150 metres, the basin - overseen by the company Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt ...
Holidaying by the lake
Lake Mezzola is becoming more popular than ever with visitors; which should come as no great surprise as it hosts enchanting beaches and a tranquility surrounded by greenery. The lake itself has a deep green hue and sparkles under the hot summer sun. Situated just to the north of Lake Como, with mountains on every ...
When sport becomes poetry
Not everyone will appreciate that rowing has ancient origins and that it was practised back in Roman times. In Italy this discipline made its name in Venice in the 14th century when a decree of Doge Giovanni Soranzo defined the procedures for the staging of competitions between boats. In the rest of Europe, the first ...
Il sogno di una casa in montagna
Cresce l´interesse per le soluzioni abitative offerte a Chiavenna e in Valle Spluga. L’importanza di affidarsi a professionisti seri e competenti.   Valchiavenna e Valle Spluga esercitano un’attrazione sempre maggiore verso coloro che cercano una casa in un luogo tranquillo e piacevole, ...
The chestnut Pathway
A guided itinerary in the chestnut woods discovering the history and food products made with this quite extraordinary autumn fruit. When Val Bregaglia is the subject of conversation it’s inevitable that talk will turn to its relationship with the chestnut. Throughout history, this magnificent valley ...
Saving the mountains together
Interview with Marco Albino Ferrari, journalist. How realistic is it to speculate on the future of the mountains, subject as they are to both lack of snow and dynamics related to depopulation? For many this scenario is already a reality. The economic model inspired by the “hit, buy and flee” mechanism ...
Autumn on the upper lake
In Autumn the woods of the upper lake are the ideal destination for an absorbing wander at the very heart of nature where you can take in the surrounding foliage at close hand in all its splendour. Following the ancient mule tracks that climb the gentle slopes you’re likely to come across wayside shrines, tiny ...
House in the mountain
The Studio De Tanti reports and the numbers confirm that at a national level the market for mountain properties is experiencing a boom, with prices proving resistant to both inflation and interest rate rises. In post-Covid times the need to identify healthy areas in which to invest is slanting the market towards ...
100 courageous years
A century ago work began on the construction of the Traversa sul Liro. Today this extraordinary work is celebrating its vital role within the context of the country’s energy, just rewards for a decidedly long-term approach towards renewable sources. 1923 marked a fundamental juncture in the history of the ...
Food and drink Villa Giade
A family affair Angelo alongside his son Gianluca offer their guests a truly innovative experience in a delightful place. Villa Giade is a family affair: the Deflorio family. It all started with Angelo&´s passion for gastronomy and great food. "Discovering the cuisine of Valchiavenna is a bit like discovering ...
Il coworking più smart di Chiavenna
Che si tratti di un’area per fare riunioni o di una postazione di lavoro per qualche giorno o  per settimane, scegliere un coworking ti regala il grande vantaggio di pagare solo per il  periodo che ti interessa. La postazione sarà tua per tutto il tempo che ti serve e la potrai  ...
The joys of nature in Madesimo
ART AND THE LANDSCAPE. ALESSANDRO MARTIRE AND ROBERTO MOIOLA DESCRIBE THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURE.   Have you ever tried to look beyond a simple landscape, allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by emotions. Take Madesimo and its mountains. Sometimes what our eyes take in is taken for granted, whilst for ...
Bottonera holiday home
THE STORY BEGINS IN HEIDELBERG WHERE CAROLIN AND TIMO AND THEIR TWO CHILDREN LIVE.   They have always loved the mountains. And due to a curious setof circumstances, they end up in Chiavenna where the family has established an entrepreneurial activity within the tourist sector."We&´ve always been ...
Sesarei original yet full of tradition
TRADITIONAL ITALIAN DIGESTIVE INFUSIONS ARE BACK IN FASHION. AMONG THE MANY, A CHIAVENNA LABEL MUCH APPRECIATED FOR ITS AUTHENTIC FLAVOUR, WILL SOON BE MAKING ITS DEBUT.   Amari are a typical feature of Italian tradition. They go back through the ages and originate from infusions of herbs and spices, produced ...
Chiosco Kwatras
Lake Mezzola now hosts a new refreshment spot, immersed in a captivating setting   The very idea of the new Kwatras kiosk was to make Verceia with its long lakeside more attractive for both locals and tourists alike. The exercise took off thanks to the initiative of two good friends, both "adopted" by Verceia ...
Open air breaks in Val Bodengo
Another exciting season within the world of holiday in the open air is anticipated in Valchavenna. Here&´s all the latest. More and more tourists are choosing to spend their holidays in tents or camper. In Italy it&´s estimated that between 48 and 45,4 million stays will be recorded in camp sites, villages and ...
An unexpected encounter
text and photos by Roberto Lisignoli A morning free of commitments, so what shall we do? For me a quiet stroll in the silence of nature always suits. So off I head, with the woods calling. And of course I take my trusty camera along for the ride. "I won&´t be out for long" I consider, but you never know. After a ...
Summer in medesimo new opportunities on MTB
From isola to Pian dei Cavalli as far as san Sisto, a biking itinerary in the tracks of hunters in mesoithic times. A fine outing from Isola to Val Febbraro, going up to Frondaglio and crossing the Pian dei Cavalli, Lago Bianco and then back via San Sisto. That&´s the route of the new bicycle path proposed by the ...
by Nicola Rizzi An amusing and personal account evoking the ancient activity of "fowling", once practised by some families on the slopes of Valchiavenna. “Ah! I will have tackled these more times than I care to remember", relates Sr. Pietro, 80 years young without pausing, and moving at a pace which I struggle to ...
Valchiavenna, i love you
A couple of german tourists have created the internet site to share experiences and the genuine beauty of our valley. Snowflakes represent the butterflies in wintertime. A charming quote indeed from, and sums up rather well the poetic nature that animates the project initiated ...
When trelkking takes off
I was born and grew up in Valchiavenna. And as far back as I can remember I&´ve always had a passion for flight. In 2015 on holiday in Nepal, at Pokhara one of the most beautiful places to fly, I was able to check out paragliding. And I was immediately and completely struck and said to myself, "wouldn&´t it be ...
Spaces for Well-being
Chiavenna plays host to a group of young, talented professionals who approach the recovery of buildings in an innovative and sustainable fashion. It&´s a young staff, all under-40 which creates modern and sustainable solutions, inspired by the concept of "designing and building well". ...
Scopri l’unicità dei prodotti e dei servizi delle imprese artigiane.  Per le tue necessità o per i tuoi regali in ogni occasione rivolgiti alle piccole imprese del territorio; difendi il nostro lavoro e il futuro dei nostri figli. L’ Unione Artigiani – ...
Regulations Waterfalls 2021
THE NEW APPROVED REGULATIONS FOR THE WATERFALLS AND RELATED ACCESS METHODS Download pdf   For the park hosting the Acquafraggia waterfalls in Piuro it&´s going to be a summer of innovation. The green area is to be newly defined, can be accessed through three openings and, during peak periods, will require a ticket ...
Cittàslow Tourism Outdoor
CHIAVENNA TRAINO DI CITTASLOW INTERNATIONAL PER IL TURISMO ALL´ARIA APERTA   Da sempre membro attivo di Cittaslow, Chiavenna ha ora un ruolo fondamentale nella stagione del dopo covid-19 per il coordinamento internazionale del progetto "Cittaslow Tourism Outdoor".   In occasione ...
At the foot of the waterfalls
Maybe it&´s the free holiday style. Or it&´s become trendy and people can really get into the experience. We&´re talking camping holidays, a genuine must do for many tourists - europeans in particular - and in Val Bregaglia there&´s a seriously well-organised structure where they can spend suitably relaxing summer ...
Fraciscio, a genuine delight
The village in Valle Spluga is by no means a “place along the way”. With its intimate and romantic ambience, Fraciscio serves up an original holiday experience. Fraciscio is a small community situated above Campodolcino at 1300 metres in altitude. A place vibrant with spirituality, it’s no coincidence that it was the ...
The call of the wild
No computer, or interfering mobile. Only the silence and the crunch of snow under our feet. In the coldest of seasons the mountains throw up an abundance of opportunities to re-awaken our relationship with Nature, whilst abandoning Whatsapp, email and social networks. But first we must disconnect. Seriously. ...
“There’s a little bit of Chiavenna in my desserts!” That’s according to Luca Perego, considered one of the most influential social and television talents within the world of the dessert. Fact is, he has a rather special bond with the valle dei Giusti.   Anyone who uses the web regularly will be aware of the LuCake ...
A very special holiday
Right at the very heart of Val Bregaglia sits a new, beautiful and utterly welcoming resource designed for guests looking for a holiday in contact with history and passion. We’re in Piuro, part of Prosto, a short stroll from the magnificent Palazzo Vertemate, the Renaissance Alpine Mansion. And it’s right here that ...
Maestro of the snows
In the morning he’s always one of the very first at the ski-lifts so as not to miss the classically beautiful snows. And even at the age of 79 he remains one of the most frequent visitors to the Valle di Lei and associated freeride trails. Word has it that on a beautiful day in late February, at the end of the ...
Lanterna Verde shining bright
Family managed, strong links with the territory, meticulous attention to detail. This represents the formula that has made the Michelin -starred restaurant in Villa di Chiavenna a highly successful and respected reference point for quality.   The style is practically the same that has made La Lanterna Verde ...
Receive news on WhatsApp
Sign up to receive news directly on your smartphone.   The service is free, we will not send spam, only useful news, events, suggestions about experiences in Valchiavenna. Signin up is easy:   You must have WhatsApp installed on your smartphone;   add and save the number +39 377 0847082 in your ...
Seen from high
Autumn’s the ideal time to enjoy some of the classic corners of Valchiavenna, and excitingly now you can - via a new perspective enriched by an infinite colour spectrum.  We invited a number of photographers who specialise in aerial shots to capture some of the most magnificent views for us. This is their ...
Halt! Van Camp Land
A rest area for vans and campers that combines the comforts of a place surrounded by greenery with the philosophy of partaking in a respectful, original and fun-packed holiday. It’s becoming a model to be duplicated. Germany, Sweden, Holland, Austria, and England. These are just some of the nations represented ...
Alpine ways
by Enrico Minotti   Every summer the pilgrimage of animals towards the upper pastures is repeated. The lush, open grasslands above 1800 metres provide the ideal terrain for their long sojourn under the sun. Old tales and tradition, behind which man’s endeavours and sacrifice are often obscured. Hikers ...
Retreat at altitude
By Nicola Rizzi   “I went into the woods because I wanted to live wisely [...] and not to discover that I had never lived”. In harmony with the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau, but with different motives, I went up to the Pian dei Cavalli on the 27th May with the intention of staying there ...
Fruit of the alps
Beautiful, delicious and our very own mountain’s summer fruit. The blueberry, a delight on the palate, very fine indeed if eaten alongside a quality ice cream, but totally amazing when taken straight from the little plant, one by one, with hands that turnn purple and a mouth that simply won’t say ...
Shared Experiences
Discovering a magical spot, ideal for anyone in search of a destination within the “respect to distancing” formula. Those who are already aware of the charms of Val Codera would surely confirm that in this current “distancing” period there couldn’t be a better destination. A valley of ...
Eine sicher Tal
Liebe Touristen, wir stehen gerade einer großen Herausforderung gegenüber und gehen diese mit Euch gemeinsam an. Unser Tal ist stark, fleißig und voller Entschlossenheit. Danke für Eure Mithilfe und Eure Ernsthaftigkeit mit denen Ihr die neuen Regeln und Normen in dieser schweren Zeit befolgt. Der ...
Mountain bike, cicloturismo, downhill: Valchiavenna è il paradiso delle due ruote   VALCHIAVENNABIKE: DAL FONDOVALLE AL PASSO SPLUGA, ITINERARI PER TUTTI I GUSTI.  Ami la bicicletta? Su trovi il meglio per gli amanti delle due ruote: tante proposte per oltre 300 km di piste ...
Il sentiero della fiaba
Come convincere i più piccoli a camminare e vivere la magia della natura? Semplice, grazie al Sentiero della Fiaba.   Un percorso che parte lungo il fiume Scalcoggia e si percorre ad anello sul versante degli Andossi, suddiviso in varie tappe. Lungo il tragitto, infatti, i piccoli troveranno dei pannelli ...
Follow us on Instagram
We landed on Instagram! Now we can share what our valley has to offer. Follow us and share your experiences with us. Stay tuned!   #valchiavennaturismo
Learning through fun and games
Intriguing games and activities along an engaging itinerary for the little ones all come together at Villa di Chiavenna. There’s an expansive maze on a table divided into four coloured sections where the youngsters have to negotiate the way out for their marbles. And a circuit made from wood on which toy cars run. ...
Characters a natural calling
Gabriele had always dreamed of being a shepherd. Morethan a line of work, his is a genuine vocation. Not an easy choice, and full of sacrifice. Here’s his story.    Gabriele Arrigoni was born in Bergamo 46 years ago, into a family which had always bred and reared animals. It was perfectly natural ...
Mountain mascots
Foto di Cesare Contin   Cute little visage, stocky body and with a surprising speed and agility inherited from distant ‘cousin’ squirrel, the marmot is readily identifiable in summer basking in the sun with friends on the upper Alpine slopes. Its very particular ...
A flavour of valle di lei
The expansive valley may sit firmly on Italian soil but in fact by car it’s accessible only from Switzerland. Historically a disputed territory, it produces exquisite and flavoursome cheeses the like of which few environs manage. It’s accepted that every mountain pasture has its very own grasses and herbs. And each ...
Back to the future
When you think of the products that best represent the pride of Valchiavenna’s territory, Acqua Frisia, produced in Santa Croce di Piuro, occupies a rather special place. Production ceased back in 2014 bringing the threat of both the loss of a veritable economic heritage and a previous standard bearer for the ...
Crotto Quartino authenticity itself
Il Quartino is not simply a crotto but a great deal more. It was undoubtedly the forerunner to the crotto as we know it today, a characteristic and genuine Valchiavenna “local” which then becomes an enterprise open to the public and evolves into a reference point for visitors and locals alike. Santa Croce di Piuro. A ...
Reveled: the ristoCrottoBar
Highly original to say the least. And the name itself speaks volumes. A veritable hybrid of style and innovation proving a welcome and novel addition to Chiavenna’s manifold delights. And yet it’s a winning formula based on respect for tradition with a keen eye on raw materials. Setting trends and ...
In the right frame
Madesimo and Campodolcino have unveiled 18 points from which it will be able to take advantage of some truly memorable photo opportunities. Magical spots from which to discover some of the most enchanting corners in Valle Spluga, a case of marveling at them and then taking a photographic souvenir with a frame already ...
Crafts paper workshop
In Chiavenna, paper is by no means restricted to cultural environs, but it’s actually produced here. And a paper workshop is following a truly historical tradition. An ancient paper mill existed as long ago as 1763: in fact even today the back street “vicolo della Cartara” bears genuine witness. During the course of ...
The last surviving hero
A true story becomes a novel in Mark T. Sullivan’s latest book. And as it’s set in the Italian Alps near Madesimo, it’s a volume that’s tempting readers from all over the world to visit this extraordinary Alpine location. There’s little more magical than relaxing with a good book. Curled up on the sofa, in front of an ...
A family affair
It was as far back as December 1960 when the Hotel Conradi on Chiavenna’s very threshold threw open its doors. Yes indeed, very nearly 60 years have passed since then and over the course of that time the Cervieri family has welcomed many thousands of guests offering hospitality and a restaurant service of the very ...
Any good thing to make us all merry
SOUL CAKE “Any good thing to make us all merry”. This is the pay-off in English chosen by the Soul Cake patisserie, actually borrowed from the popular 2009 Sting song which just happens to have “Soul Cake” as its title. And it’s with this ambitious spirit to make everyone just a little happier, that Nicola Rizzi, ...
In perfect harmony
My intense passion for animals is clearly down to my grandfather. At the beginning there were the dogs. Hence my education was to develop around a love in particular for English Pointers and Dalmatians, and resulted in me emerging as a significant presence within the breeding world, backed up by considerable successes ...
Adopted Olympians!
Once again this year the international athletic champions are back, adopting Chiavenna’s municipal running track as their second home! From high altitude training in the Engadine, to track testing in Chiavenna.  The programme has been repeated for several years now, and the results obtained on the international ...
Via spluga tra storia e turismo
Documentario di Romano Venziani a cura di RSI - Radio e Televisione Svizzera Passato e presente di una strada di valico, che è stata fino ad Ottocento inoltrato uno dei più importanti collegamenti di tutto l´arco alpino. Dopo secoli di commerci, di passaggi di eserciti e viaggiatori alla ...
The etymology of the place appears to derive from the dialectal forms of “mut” or ”mott”, a reference perhaps to its particular geographical position. I have to say I prefer the version by Don Luigi Re, a Milanese priest whose initiatives during the ‘20’s transformed Motta from a ...
The station hotel
The station hotel It was in September 1886 that the railway finally made it to Chiavenna and the same year that the couple Matteo Vanossi and Rosa del Curto decided to construct the Helvetia&Spécola Hotel. The first part of the name clearly refers to the intention – at that time – to continue the railway line to St ...
Standing proud in pratogiano
Standing proud in pratogiano Stone, wood and iron combine to create soft and elegant lines, replacingthe previous barriers with gentle green slopes. The initial impression as you wander through Pratogiano today, is that of an homogenous, welcoming space which has finally been incorporated within the urban context ...
La Vecchiascuola
La Vecchiascuola    Introducing the new Vecchiascuola and restaurant La Terrazza overlooking our magnificent Alpine valley. Turning up in Chiavenna the visitor’s eye is immediately drawn towards the valley side above with its sprawling vineyards. And further up represented by an intimate cluster of habitations ...
Autumn delights for all
Autumn delights for all The days are closing in, temperatures dropping, summer sounds of bells ringing out across the pastures and the whistle of a watchful marmot are becoming increasingly rare. And there’s a tangible restlessness about the colours too; green is making way for a cornucopia of orange, yellows and ...
CARLO DONATI HAS A PASSION FOR NATURALISTIC NOCTURNAL PHOTOGRAPHY. HERE’S HOW IT ALL CAME ABOUT. Carlo “discovered” photography around seven years ago. During the succeeding years his images began to embrace social media as he appreciated just what a revolutionary impact this modern phenomenon has had in bringing ...
Regolamento UE
Gentili utenti ricevete questa comunicazione in quanto vi siete liberamente iscritti in precedenza alla stessa e pertanto non vi chiediamo specifici ulteriori consensi. Assicuriamo che i vostri dati vengono utilizzati solo dal nostro Consorzio esclusivamente per la comunicazione di eventi e novità riguardanti ...
A genuine alternative
The idea from which Krene first surfaced in 2006 was simple, but seriously ambitious: to salvage a clutch of Alpine dwellings located in an environment still untouched by today’s anthropogenic pollution, at the same time respecting their typological conceit. So far so good. But what exactly do we mean by ...
Roberto “Sysa” Moiola is the founder of Clickalps, the agency which specialises in naturalistic photography. The project started out almost as a bit of a lark years ago at Cosio Valtellino but over time it attracted a whole host of enthusiasts, up until becoming a real point of reference for trade magazines, travel ...
Landscape Fit for Artists
Landscape Fit for Artists Discovering the extraordinary cultural and artistic heritage of ValBregaglia   Not everybody knows that the celebrated artist Alberto Giacometti was born in Borgonovo, Bregaglia in 1901. His hugely expressive face, a combination of bemusement and melancholy stares out at you from the Swiss ...
Mountain man of many parts
Mountain man of many parts You don’t meet the likes of Oreste Forno every day of the week. A quite extraordinary talent. Mountaineer, author, documentary filmmaker – and finally, wait for it – keeper of dams!. 65 now, his has been a life genuinely lived to the full. Oreste represents one ...
En a hidden world
His passion for entomology – the science that concerns itself with insects  would seem to stem directly from photography. Fabrizio Corbari, 29, native of Chiavenna, has discovered the fascination of the microsphere that populates the world beneath our feet, observing it through the viewfinder of his camera ...
Secret glimpses
ALPEGGI SOPRA ISOLA The high pastures of Isola, forming part of the municipality of Madesimo are along the climb from the village towards Val Febbraro. Fantastic views await once you’re up and away as Marcello’s camera illustrates perfectly: Stabisotto, Vamlera, Cascata della Val Febbraro, Borghetto, outings to Lago ...
Tradition and innovation combined
There are any number of elements which can make a winter vacation in the mountains really rather special. A blunder out in fresh snow, the silence of the woods at dusk, or the odd satisfaction of blooming health despite aching limbs after a long, intense day on the ski slopes. Madesimo knows very well how to offer its ...
A strictly family affair
Chiavennna – and when there’s any mention of pasta – one name immediately springs to mind – that of MORO. The story of the family and pasta factory are inextricably intertwined within the social and economic fabric of the little town. Ever since 1867, the year in which Moro established the ...
Un libro sulla storia del Passo dello Spluga
Un libro sulla storia del Passo dello Spluga Con traduzioni in tedesco e italiano di Gian Primo Falappi, Bernadette Hautmann e Marcella Pult, è da poco uscito un interessante volume che ripercorre la storia del Passo dello Spluga.  Il libro è stato curato da Georg Jäger, al quale si deve ...
The brainchild of Roberto Lisignoli,Bandadram is a “street band” made up of percussionists guaranteed to grab everyone’s attention thanks to their engaging rhythms, movement and a choreography which almost immediately brings to mind the Samba Batucada, a style of music that might be Brazilian in origin but which owes ...
Trigger Happy
I haven’t known Andrea “Shooter” Resta for that long at all. But our friendship came about because of a shared interest in photography. It’s actually an overwhelming passion for the pair of us, more than a hobby - almost an obsession – it ...
Fabio Cucchi is a highly respected photographer who in Valle Spluga has produced an extravagant series of images devoted to water in all its shapes and forms. It’s easy to understand the attraction. A night sky above becoming a star-crusted crown, the valley adopting the soft blur of fleecy ...
Apartments in Valchiavenna
If you would like to rent out an apartment in Valchiavenna, Consorzio Turistico Valchiavenna propose you to buy an  advertisement on our web sites:    The cost is euro 40 for one year.   Into the section ACCOMODATION, everyone can check the list of ...
Butterflies: the wonders of nature
Nothing stands still in the constantly changing natural world. As we wander through forest, field or along mountain paths in summer the actual cycle that Nature represents, through flower, insect, bird and wildlife might go relatively unnoticed but the dramatic explosion of life that results from ...
Reflex action! Michele Iosi Photographer
I’ve known Michele for many a year. Since we were kids at play. In the 80’s we created Valchiavenna’s very first websites together. But I can honestly say via genuine friendship and affection that I never imagined in those long-gone days the poetic and philosophical ...
Yes indeed “Paola’s Corner” has become a veritable touchstone for any visitor to Chiavenna who has clear ambitions in hunting down a souvenir – but don’t anticipate anything trivial! Of all the names which Paola Giuriani might have featured above her shop window, “Paola’s Corner” has a genuine ring to it. In the via ...
Everything under the sun
A popular feature of the week in Chiavenna is Saturday’s market in Pratogiano area. Popular with residents and visitors alike - full of character, colour and all-year-round bargain opportunities. The market sets out its stall early in the day: everything from fresh fruit and vegetables, sweets and biscuits of every ...
Glimpses of light and shadow
Strangely enough Ivo’s talent owes much to his wife Donata. Or rather to a gift he made several years ago which he then adopted for himself. It began with a neatly wrapped Reflex camera tied with a bow on the occasion of his wife’s birthday, and the idea of her learning the basics of ...
Hotel Vittoria in Montespluga
Whether down from Brabant or Bavaria, Jutland or the Ardennes To the rhythm of the pedal or leisurely plod Or even rocking and rolling round twist and turn. Of course Rovigo’s only a donkey ride away, and a Charabanc from Molfetta might suit¸ or even A scooter ride up from Reggio Emilia. Whatever ...
A Natural Combination
Holidays of a lifetime. Literally. In Vallespluga. It’s not overstating the case to say that Enrico Minotti might well have actually taken his very first steps in the meadows and woods around the village of Fraciscio. Fast forward a few years and once school had finished for the summer it was routine to head ...
Snapping away in the Val di Giust
Elio Selvatico, perhaps better known in art and by habitué of social media as Elliott Wild, followed up his passion for football – as coach within the junior sector – by discovering the joys of photography. He describes himself as enthusiast rather than professional, but his snapshots with their attention to detail ...
For 60 years the benchmark for quality
Since 1955 the Sala family have provided an impeccable service to the many tourists who have made this particular place a quintessential point of reference.   At the Albergo della Posta it’s as though time stopped still at the beginning of the 19th ...
Boyhood Memories
Our story begins way back in 1462 when the Piuro authorities acquired the rights regarding the Val di Lei from Counts Erdenberg- Sargans for the sum of 101 gold florins. At that time no-one imagined the strategic importance that this mountain territory was to assume here, 2000 metres up on the ...
A safe pair of hands
Flavio “Cico” Del Giorgio is a dynamic 60 yearold mountain fanatic who CAI has entrusted with the overseeing of the Chiara and Walter bivouac situated at 2660m at the Passo di Lei.  He’s a natural choice and totally committed to the task. Dedicated to Chiara Giuriani ...
Classic Models on Parade
The historic gallery of Chiavenna’s Fire Department is opening a new room dedicated to Claudio Persenico’s fire engine models. That’s me – a retired fire department head who served in the Chiavenna base from 1975 – 2008. My spare time was devoted to the construction of models on a scale of 1:14. It was a passion for ...
Carden: architectural gems
The architecture of the central Alps has long held a fascination for many. We’re not talking now about the splendid mansions or villas that feature in small northern town or city. We’ve gone all rustic. Styles of rural dwellings can of course differ hugely but in our local valleys there’s a pattern. Up until the ...
Procession of the faithful
This Good Friday, as ever, will see the Chiavenna Faithful celebrate Easter week with an elaborate, evocative procession through candle-lined narrow streets, from S. Fedele to S. Lorenzo halting in squares before continuing past the town’s elegant, frescoed homes, bell towers and churches. History and religion ...
The great migrants back on the wind
Silence reigns in the vast expanse of land surrounding the Lago di Mezzòla. It’s Autumn and something has changed. You note the colour of the vegetation, the gentle and constant lapping of waves on the sandy shores. But above all it’s the silence which prevails over a territory which until only very ...
Guardian angels amidst the mountains
The National Mountain Rescue Team is ready and active within Valchiavenna itself, with bases at Chiavenna and Madesimo. Staffed by highly qualified and experienced volunteers, the squad is capable of intervening quickly to undertake rescue operations in the mountains, incorporating activities such ...
Infopoint Chiavenna Natura rigogliosa, beni culturali di straordinario pregio e paesaggi suggestivi. Questa è la Valchiavenna, terra di magiche sensazioni situata nel cuore delle Alpi retiche, ad un soffio dal lago di Como, ad un passo dalle valli incantate di Madesimo e St. Moritz e crocevia tra i valichi ...
Celebrating old values
The celebration of San Bernardo is a much-awaited feature of Bodengo’s year. The little church (15th C.) in the village is dedicated to the saint and the penultimate weekend in August sees the entire populace gather in the crotto area of this extraordinary alpine retreat. In years gone by it remained a ...
The chamois in winter
Curiosity plays a big part in my passion for photographing nature at its purest. And chamois in the snow in the upper reaches of Valle Spluga were a natural attraction. It’s impossible not to be impressed by their capacity to endure even the most hostile of winters. On my regular photo excursions throughout the ...

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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (


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