Finding shelter within mountain areas has always been at a premium for anyone committed to working alongside cattle during pasture time. Spontaneous, improvised respite beneath rocky ledge or squeezed between outcrops came pretty naturally, perhaps with a small fire in a wind-free corner for cold nights. Some sort of rustic wooden construction might well be considered ‘luxury’. But the Ca’ Pipéta on the Samolaco hillside is even more remarkable. Several rooms have been constructed under a single huge stone slab. Some unknown persevering soul created a kitchen, stable/barn, basement, bedrooms all under natural protection and including a modest water supply, nearby crotto and vineyard! We’re not far from Piazza Bedogna to the south and along with local hamlets Ca’ Pipéta remained inhabited until the early 20th C. when the drift down to villages on the valley plain would become almost irresistible.
The construction was not unique but remains very special. Sadly today it requires urgent restoration and the Samolaco Library Assoc. is urging for it to receive the same consideration as the nearby Segname Tower. Paths are in good order and it has enormous visitor potential within an already popular locality.
Surfing on the snow, letting the wind carry you towards the horizon. This is the essence of snowkiting….” A winter discipline that combines skiing, snowboarding and kite surfing. The outstanding sensation ...
Roberto Moreschi, master pastry chef from Chiavenna, transforms tradition into art in his laboratory, creating symbolic Italian desserts as ambassadors of taste and ...
Storia della macinazione
Il nostro viaggio nelle terre svizzere dei Grigioni di lingua italiana, ci porta in Val Bregaglia, nel villaggio di Promontogno. Appena pochi chilometri dopo il confine ...
Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (