Discovering ancient wooden and stone buildings, hallmark of the entire valley, which over the years have transformed the mountain slopes.
They represent a key element forming an integral part of the Alpine landscape, emblematic of history and tradition. We’re referring to the “càrden”, distinctive structures scattered throughout the territory that makes up Valle Spluga and Val Bregaglia.
Utilised as homes, barns or stables, càrden are evident right across the Alpine arc, but differ from area to area based on the type of wood used and the construction technique employed.
The name originates from the Latin definition of opus cardinatum, insomuch as in construction the beams were hinged together, forming a self-suppporting block. A classic example of natural bio-architecture, which envisaged the exclusive use of local materials: stone for the part facing upstream, wood for the valley aspect. To insulate throughout moss was adopted, guaranteeing thermal insulation.
To discover these magnificent, characteristic buildings at first hand visitors might follow a range of itineraries known as “Le vie del Carden”, along which they can appreciate many splendid examples, all created using ancient techniques, some restored to new, others maintaining their typical characteristics or alternatively in varying states of decay.
The various stages of the excursions provide excellent opportunities to admire these very real symbols of an Alpine region, introduced in a perfectly integrated fashion within Nature and the surrounding landscape.