The origin of the name is simple. Coloredo derives from “colöri”, indicating in local dialect a stone within a fruit. But the place itself has quite an extraordinary history being documented for the first time in 1247 before becoming – along with nearby Gordona – the spiritual and actual property of the Bishop of Como in 1512.
1629 saw the population decimated by plague, the first of many such episodes over the centuries as was neighbouring Chiavenna a few years later. A church dedicated to san Francesco d’Assisi and sant’Anna was initiated in 1637 notwithstanding a certain local antipathy. Once constructed however the church featured regularly in the 16/17th C as a destination for pilgrims, having a rich history, and hosting a range of fascinating religious artworks added to over many centuries using canvas, leather, marble and wood which any modern-day pilgrim can appreciate for himself.
The village itself sits to the right of the Crezza torrent and its long history ensures a genuine step back in time. A large courtyard surrounded by old houses boasts a painting of la Madonna in popular style. It’s not difficult to imagine the cries of children playing within the narrow streets. In fact there’s much for the inspired visitor to enjoy in Coloredo, whose population – by the way – is on the up. Plagues permitting of course!
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
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“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (