There are places in Valchiavenna where the arrival of a particular season brings with it a very special magic. Foppaccia is undoubtedly one of these.
And that explains precisely why, every year from March to the end of April, I love tackling the climb up here armed with my trusty camera, appreciating the joys of lengthening sunny days, and all the natural beauty expressing itself within this magnificent corner overlooking Verceia.
The altitude is certainly a factor: we’re 1050m above sea level here. Nevertheless the agreeably sun-kissed nature of our position guarantees a very different micro-climate compared to other Alpine locations situated at the same height. Cherry blossoms correspond with identical plants which flourish in the valley bottom. A veritable delight to them eye, framed by breathtaking panorama.
The photos accompanying this article do far more justice than any associated description could.You can get here by car having paid 5 euro for the necessary permit available in any of the local bars. However for walking enthusiasts there are at least a couple of mule tracks which connect Verceia to Foppaccia up above and which take in extensive chestnut woodland. The place once served as attractive pasture land for summer grazing for cows, sheep and goats along with producing quality wood for cultivation, and thus represented a modest but decent existence for all.
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
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