From up here in ancient times, lookouts would observe the entire valley, in coalition with other positions situated in strategic positions that have today become destinations for excursions suitable for everyone.
Yes indeed, even today the Torre di Segname rarely goes unnoticed by anyone travelling along Valchiavenna. Standing proud and solitary on top of an impressive rocky outcrop overlooking the right slopes of the valley between Gordona and San Pietro, the tower remains a popular landmark.
It actually dates back to the second half of the 12th century and represents part of a complex system of observation and
communication in the event of potential invasion. Easily reachable on foot, it’s undoubtedly worth a visit if only for the magnificent view it affords once up there.
A very special spot and perfect for a family picnic, maybe even in the guise of its original custodians. The trail is handily signposted and heads off from the Boggia area of Gordona, on a route which has a pretty stiff slope initially. Gradually the path becomes less taxing as you approach the ridge and your view is somewhat limited for a while due to the birch woodland which you encounter. So it comes as quite a shock once you get to the top.
One’s gaze runs right from the mouth of the Valle Spluga and Bregaglia, as far as peak of Legnone overlooking Lake Como. From here the army could control the entire Valchiavenna, ready to signal through fires to other nearby towers, should enemy invaders be on their way.
Nowadays it’s possible also to get access to the interior and indeed climb to the top using a well-appointed staircase.