There’s no better time than summer to get a serious eyeful of the village of Savogno and its medieval origins. Situated halfway up the slopes, it represents one of the most interesting and best-preserved rural settlements within the Province of Sondrio. We’re here above Piuro, at 932m on the Italian slopes of Val Bregaglia in a sun-kissed, south-facing location. To get here I strongly suggest taking on the epic, stone mule-track which sets out from the Sarlone district of Borgonuovo di Piuro. Before heading boldly upwards be sure to take in the magnificent Acquafraggia waterfalls, a stunning backdrop to fine parkland. The muletrack plunges immediately into woodland bustling up the mountain side almost casually. There’s ancient terracing all along the way, historically occupied by vineyards but no longer. At around 590m in the locality of “Stalle dei Ronchi” we come across a very characteristic fountain made up of three stone troughs, dated 1869.
We recommend a short detour to appreciate a building made entirely in stone and housing a vast ancient wine press of 1706 origin. Heading back along our chosen route we soon come across another spot of considerable historical interest, from a point where we note a small chapel there’s a splendid panoramic scenario: here you can view from above the area where once the ancient community of Piuro stood proud. There’s further 200m incline to be tackled in order to reach Savogno but the bulk of our efforts is well behind us. In all we will have clambered 2886 steps from setting out, which means we have finally made our destination and can enjoy a well-earned rest, taking in views of the valley from one of the most striking natural terraces in the region.
Rifugio Savogno
Tel +39 366 7101665
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (