The Alpe Lavorerio is located in Val Pilotera along the left slopes of Val Bodengo. It was here some years ago that four friends decided to set about renovating the old “town hall” at 1862m and to create a refuge. With the support of the Gordona authorities it required 4 years of solid commitment, from 1992 –1996 in order to complete the task. The structure is now divided into two parts: the southern section dedicated to agricultural activities, whilst the northern end serves as a dwelling/refuge with the aim of promoting and enhancing the potential of alpe Lavorerio and the entire valley. Nowadays the building is available for use by any institutions and associations who are interested in staying there for a holiday break, enjoying the magnificent surrounding landscapes to the full. The refuge is not staffed and it is therefore necessary to collect the keys and purchase the transit permit at the bar San Martino in the piazza or bar DOC in via degli Emigranti. If you intend to stay overnight then clearly maximum respect for the facilities is expected along with a contribution to the structure’s upkeep – made in the appropriate box. Splendidly positioned and sheltered, the refuge is very well equipped and sleeps 12 people with a convenient well kitted-out kitchen (gas cylinder) fireplace, and a large table which will seat 10/12 people. Purists in decent shape might well set out from Gordona itself. An alternative is to take the car as far as Donadivo (737 m). From here 3 hours walking will see you at the refuge. A further option is to head for alpe Orlo (1165 m) by car, (saving about an hour on foot) but this way the visitor will miss out on the joys of following an old mule-track along the “Sentiero del Benefattore” running through some magnificent beech forest. Take advantage of some of the sign-posting along the way. One indicates “ponte segreto” and Pra l’Oste – a worthy detour in order to take in an outrageous suspension bridge over the gorge dividing the two sides of the valley and linking nearby Val Bodengo. The route throws up some magnificent views of the “giants’ pots” created over centuries by the swirling nature of the dizzy Boggia torrent. At around 1300m you come to a splendid arched bridge (Pont de Pesciadel) above a fabulously emerald pool of crystal-clear water. Beyond the ford ahead await the baite (huts) of Alpe Valle di Fuori (1330 m, takes 50 mins) and nearby alpe Valle di Dentro (1486 m. 1hr 10 mins). The final push: from here the easily-recognisable path, indicated as ever by red and white markings, climbs to avoid a rocky outcrop on the right. Through boulderstrewn fields, rhododendron and larch woodland you reach the summit. Vast pastures lie ahead now leading to a small bridge and a little further past some rocky crags sits our destination, the Lavorerio refuge (1862 m). Worth all the effort for its reinvigorating views over the entire valley. To the East lush Cermine and Orlo dwarfed by pizzo di Prata, and the peaks of Masino and Engadina. Alpe is surrounded by a combination of grasslands with rocky outcrops, then magnificent granite slabs to the south. Further excursions beckon including a loop which will involve considerable effort for around six hours. Map and compass-style or similar guidance aids strongly recommended.
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (