The simplest of ideas taking full advatage of the most common wild plant in spring, whit a wealth of properties.
Known as "Dandelion", for others the "Yellow star" or even "dandelion clock". Name apart, the dandelion - in latin Taraxacum officinale - is the most common flower/plant in springtime, and especially from April to June. It grows pretty much everywhere: easy to find vast expanses in meadows and near watercourses, but even along the edges of roads. Although considered a weed, the flower has many healing properties, and "was often used as a remedy in traditional medicine. In fact dandelion facilitates diuresis, is an excellent purifier and decongestant for the liver and intestines". However, not everyone is aware that the dandelion also has a variety of uses in the kitchen, especially for the preparation of fillings or salads. Below we have chosen am easy recipe to make an omelette with dandelions to be served as an antipasto or a simple single dish.
Dandelion Omelette
6 eggs
1 clump of dandelion
40 g of grated pecorino cheese
a knob of butter, salt, black pepper
1 clove of garlic
Clean the dandelion removing the toughest part of the stalk. Rinse the leaves well, blanch them for 3 - 4 minutes in boiling salted water to soften them. Beat the eggs well in a bowl with the grated cheese, a little milk and pepper. Heat the pan, add the knob of butter with the garlic and as soon as it turns golden add the dandelion. Pour in the eggs and cook over a low heat with the lid on until cooked through, serve hot.
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
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“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (