"One might think that cakes play a marginal role, actually, the human mind has been able to use natural ingredients available to the very best, to succeed in satisfying the glutton wishes.The flour is an element common to all these products and, in the historic centre of Chiavenna still today we find a splendid testimony of the molinary activity of the past: the "Mill of Bottonera". A nineteenth-century structure which now can be visited as it is used as a museum of industrial archaeology. An ancient mill where innumerable sacks of flour are produced, then used with masterly by millers and confectioners.
Butter is also inevitable, able to transfer to palate the pasture fragrance and providing in the meantime the energy necessary for the "mountain life" and fundamental nutritional principles. Sugar together with other precious spices and dried fruit reached these zones already in Middle Ages, thanks to blooming commerce and cross-border transport that, till early in the 20th century, have represented another important source of income for the population".
Biscuits of Prosto - The originals
A historical product with simple ingredients (wheat flour, sugar and butter) that the family Del Curto has managed to combine to create a unique result. At their mill, as well as at the homemade laboratory placed in the hamlet of Prosto (town of Piuro, not far from Chiavenna), generations have succeed in continuing to hand over the cluster of experience and care, the secrets of taste and therefore their success. The packaging is made by hand and has a very personal touch with characteristic multicoloured papers.
Biscuits of Chiavenna Another pastry deriving from ancient recipes, which for many years, has been sprinkled with sugar in the Cake Shop Mastai of Chiavenna, making it a popular addition its appreciated specialities. Cane sugar is added to the classical short pastry with flour, eggs and butter to give that special taste and amber colour.
Fioretto Cake
This cake takes its name from crumbled flowers of wild fennel (precisely "fioretto") from which is created an unforgettable flavour. The bread dough made with eggs rises slowly and naturally, and is then baked by adding butter and granules of sugar. When baking is nearly finished, the cake is dusted generously with this simple spice that, together with natural melted butter and sugar, is spread on the surface to complete the preparation of this flat cake. There are also some variations which include a layer of fruit jam on the inside.
Oss de mord - "Bones to be bitten"
The Bakery Cake Shop of Via Dolzino in Chiavenna claims more than half a century&´s worth of experience. These large biscuits not only look appetizing, but have a particular consistency due to the presence of egg white and almonds in the mixture, which make them light and very crispy. On the contrary, the recipe of "Montagnoli" (little light short pastries with a special touch provided by the raisins) originated at the beginning of the century.
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Storia della macinazione
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (www.rna.gov.it).