
Infopoint Chiavenna

23022 - Chiavenna (SO) Piazza Caduti della libertà, 3
T 0343 37485
F 0343 37361

Monday to Friday: 9:00-12:40 e 14:00-18:00
Saturday: 9:00-12:40 e 14-18:50
Sunday: 10-12 and 14:30-18


Infopoint Madesimo

23022 - Madesimo (SO) Via alle Scuole
T 0343 53015

Daily open: 9.00-12.30 a.m / 3.00-6.00 p.m.


Infopoint Campodolcino

23022 - Campodolcino (SO) Via D.R. Ballerini, 2
T 0343 50611

Monday, wednesday and sunday: 9-12.30 am 
Friday: 3.00-6.00 pm
Saturday: 9-12.30 am, 3.00-6.00 pm
Tuesday and thursday: closed

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Alpin eden

Along the Andossi ridge, adjacent to Madesimo itself, sits a unique spot where typical Alpine herbs and plants almost run amok. But do not go unnoticed.
It’s been a few years now since we originally told the story of the Giardino della Valcava, and we’re delighted to report in again - on its constant advance. But we are not here to look back, more to confirm its evolvement alongside our own: living things will change and so too will the persona who cultivate them. In dialect the word pidriöo means funnel, and also represents the hollow created at the top of Valcava by the erosion of the stream that flows down towards Madesimo. And the garden itself. Latterly it’s been closed to grazing, and it has become a delightful flower-strewn meadow, with arboreal vegetation barely held in check, which appears to appropriate the entire surface. We cut the terrain in rotation, holding onto the paths whilst cultivating small fields with historic mountain crops today often abandoned: barley, buckwheat, rye, Starleggia potatoes, flax.
The last three years has seen a healthy collaboration between ourselves, the Comunità Montana and the scuola Alberghiera alongside the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’ambient dell’Università di Pavia, which has led - via a research directive - to the study and experimentation into the recovery of ancient crops and a knowledge of wild herbs. Practices which can support an agriculture based on diversified species and crops, compatible with local conditions, becoming at the same time a driving force for territorial redevelopment. All alongside a natural “resilience” facilitating the movement
and diffusion of species and the safeguard of the endemic.
Facts: the census of wild plants present carried out in 2017/18 produced a list comprising 212 elements, extraordinary for a plot of 50,000 sq. metres. Two wooden buildings are in situ: the first, from 2007, is in fir taken from a sawmill, and serves as our service structure. The other, in larch, was built over 5 years using wood from the forest below. A traditional barn, with a fine display of farm implements. It’s a precious testimony to days and labour of yore, hardly comprehensive but certainly indicative of the days of small mountain agriculture. Long before combines and modern mechanisation.
It’s a spot available to visit the year round. Even after heavy snow. In the absence of Association members, illustrative boards document the ten floristic areas that it represents, with individual items singled out. From June through to September, guided tours are organised, which have up to now focused on herbal interests but which from this year will also accommodate environmental, historical/territorial and botanical themes in general. We hold musical events, and members whose “art” stretches to food preparation will organise gastronomic open days. The concert and party to be held this year for the Autumn equinox will become standard and will extend to all four equinox and solstice celebrations.
Il Giardino della Valcava is accessible from the main road which leads from Madesimo towards the Spluga, and once in the neighbourhood of Martegn (Magnum refreshment point) at the crossroad’s fountain follow the dirt road that leads to Stuetta and after passing the small building of the aqueduct, simply cross the valley until you arrive. From Madesimo, after crossing the river at the Roman bridge in the low valley, adopt the Valcava in all its colours between the dark green of the firs on the right, the brash limestone red rubble, and the pale larch greens to the left, all under the shreds of sky that lowers over the valley’s strict horizons. Or indeed for a gentler alternative, follow the cycle path to Martegn, then up to the garden itself. Of course all you Andossi appassionati will have your very own favourite itineraries of how to find us!

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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (


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