His passion for entomology – the science that concerns itself with insects would seem to stem directly from photography. Fabrizio Corbari, 29, native of Chiavenna, has discovered the fascination of the microsphere that populates the world beneath our feet, observing it through the viewfinder of his camera and resulting in the subjects and images on display at www.500px.com/ phabriziocorbari. It’s a combination which portrays a colourful and fascinating dimension, somewhat alien with respect to our own existence.
But it’s not just insects and their habitat that ignites Fabrizio’s artistic talent. His shots also illustrate the explosive luminosity of Alpine dawns, profound panorama which linger long into the infinite and impassioned glimpses of Nature. But there is so much more to his Art. In each and every image produced, Fabrizio encapsulates the secrets of a painstaking work which does not stop with a mere “click” but continues with delicate manoeuvring in front of a PC screen.
From the crude image achieved using the technique known as raw – Fabrizio sharpens and enhances the narrative cues which he wants to extol within the compass of the photograph. We think you’ll agree his efforts speak absolute volumes.
A winter ritual
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
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“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (www.rna.gov.it).