Yes indeed “Paola’s Corner” has become a veritable touchstone for any visitor to Chiavenna who has clear ambitions in hunting down a souvenir – but don’t anticipate anything trivial! Of all the names which Paola Giuriani might have featured above her shop window, “Paola’s Corner” has a genuine ring to it. In the via Paolo Bossi at the very heart of the historic centre, a stone’s throw from the classic bridge dedicated to San Giovanni and gazing steadfastly up towards the Santa Rosalia neighbourhood, it’s a spot which has become a magnet for visitors to Chiavenna from far and wide. Established in 1984 as an outlet for the sale of household goods, over the years “L’angolo” has undergone any number of “makeovers”, until it finally became a highly original commercial enterprise in which Paola’s creativity and artistic flair have shone through and created an attractive outlet full of imaginative ideas for interior design, décor and personalised gift items. What immediately grabs the attention of any first time visitor are the designs of large animals, ruminant or maybe ungulates reproduced on fabric, canvas, wooden panel or leather notebook, all of which adorn the walls. At the same time you breathe in the very essence of the mountains. Designs executed by Paola herself over the years have found their way as prints on all manner of objects – decorating tablecloths, tea towels, aprons et al. If not the actual paintings themselves. “It was the mountain theme,” Paola explains “which inspired the whole business. I would never call myself a painter or an artist. But I particularly enjoy sketching in pencil. I began as a youngster when I was attending the Liceo Artistico at Monza. My passion stayed with me and I like to share it nowadays with anyone who enjoys the same ways of expression in all its different forms”. Portraits and animals are Paola’s forte. Faces of young and old alike alternate with a magnificent stag or a charming young deer at pasture. “Many customers appreciate this choice of subject” she continue “the Swiss in particular request prints or reproductions of my artwork to decorate their summer mountain dwellings but you’re as likely to find them in hotel rooms in the Engadine”. Apart from her own work, Paola also displays stunning panoramic views of Chiavenna, paintings or prints on fabrics and all other sorts of matter. These are the work of artist Kim Sommerschield, or alternatively reproductions of paintings by Giovanni Segantini, “They are artists who I really appreciate” she confides “Kim has a studio in the piazza Pestalozzi and over the years he’s become a close friend to whom I can rely on for new subjects and interesting proposals for the shop”. And indeed just as we are chatting a couple of Italian tourists wander in and ask about a wooden owl on display in the window. A perfect present for a relative who collects that sort of subject. Another genuine and original souvenir of a visit to Chiavenna – there’s plenty more to choose from in Paola’s “angolo”.
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (