“Rock climbing is much more than a sport, it’s almost a life-style.” Gripping stuff. In Valchiavenna the sport began to take a hold at the beginning of the 80’s when the world of mountaineering experienced a period of considerable turmoil with the advent of the “free climbing” phenomenon: climbing using only the coarseness of the rock itself, with ropes and nails reduced to the role of simply stopping a fall. And yes “free” from the prejudices of the past and “free” to climb with a new spirit.
From Prata to Bette to the Acquafraggia waterfalls rocky outcrops around Chiavenna provide fantastic sport with participants requiring a more athletic and muscular climbing style on vertical and overhanging routes within woodland and on rocks scattered around our valley. Vho and Cranna and the Sasso del Drago are excellent challenges. Thanks to the efforts of Alpine guides and instructors over the past 40 years the sport has gone from strength to strength with up to a thousand routes identified for visiting climbers; hence Valchiavenna has become a genuine mecca not least for the variety of forms on offer. Different types of rock requiring a range of styles, degree of difficulty, length of route and locations help to create physical and mental challenges much appreciated by climbers who come from far and wide to pit themselves against nature (and gravity).Camping Acquafraggia at the foot of the famous waterfalls has become very much a reference point for climbers and lovers of the great outdoors. It acts as an excellent base with accommodation within a natural environment and has a wealth of information on climbing routes and locations. Go to: www.campingacquafraggia.com Because of our valley’s very particular climate there are climbing opportunities all year round for visitors worldwide. Guides are available to accompany groups or school parties, or simply to welcome individuals or families of all ages, shapes, sizes and ability. Attention to safety and an optimum respect for the natural environment have both played a huge role in the continuing success in Valchiavenna’s rock climbing ‘retreat.’
A winter ritual
Every year, just as soon as the first snowfalls decorate the mountain tops, there is a long-standing appointment for myself, family and friends: an outing on snowshoes, and ...
Roberto Moreschi, master pastry chef from Chiavenna, transforms tradition into art in his laboratory, creating symbolic Italian desserts as ambassadors of taste and ...
There is a saying among chefs in english “what grows together goes together”, which clearly expresses the idea that ingredients that grow close together or in the same areas also go well together in a dish, ...
Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (www.rna.gov.it).