No question.
Cross country skiing is good for you. Practised outdoors in wonderful settings it’s an ideal activity health-wise. The discipline requires a constant effort over time and brings significant benefits. Practised either at high intensity or a more measured pace brings out the maximum potential and efficiency of the cardiovascular system and enhances respiratory capacity.
And the cross country loop at Motta is the perfect spot for both athletes and beginners.
The Alpe Motta track sets off conveniently at the arrival station of the Sky Express funicular. The loop covers a distance of five km and heads off into the very same woodland so much-loved by poet Giosuè Carducci during his summer sojourns here. The itinerary boasts an undemanding 2 km section that is on the level and hence accessible to everyone.
The route provides an attractive alternative for visitors looking for a different option from downhill, spending a few relaxed hours away from the clamour of piste or refuge, appreciating the calm at the heart of nature. For anyone wishing to try cross country for the first time, there are rental points at Motta which are happy to provide all necessary equipment.
No excuses!
A winter ritual
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Surfing on the snow, letting the wind carry you towards the horizon. This is the essence of snowkiting….” A winter discipline that combines skiing, snowboarding and kite surfing. The outstanding sensation ...
Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (