We can´t speak about the Province of Sondrio without referring to the extraordinary wines
that have been produced for centuries in this zone. Virgilio in his "Georghiche" already referred to the "Retica grapevine" and afterwards Leonardo da Vinci will extol the "Powerful wines and more" of the valley. One of the most important features is the strict link between territory and viticulture, admirably witnessed by the bold terracing on which vineyards have been obtained, thanks to the effort and the constant engagement of generations of farmers. So, it has been called "Heroic viticulture" and has got into the narrow list of places protected by U.N.E.S.C.O. as humanity estate. In the wine we find a clear trace of colours, smells and tastes of ground, rock, sun and the cold of Valtellina mountains which give its vine the noble nebbiolo (also known as " Chiavennasca"), an original mark.
Sforzato di Valtellina D.O.C.G. The production technique of this wine is ancient, with certain traces dating back to 1500. 100% nebbiolo grapes are subject to "forcing" (the name from here), that is an over maturation of the healthiest and ripest bunches of grapes selected before grape harvest, laid manually on fruit-drying racks or in baskets taking care not to damage the grapes.
They are placed in well-ventilated and dry rooms with remarkable temperature ranges, where they are subject to a natural concentration of juices, by halving the performance of fresh grapes into wine.
This period of about 3 months creates the development of aromatic substances that characterizes the wine, with a dark garnet red with a sensation of ripe fruits, spiced and evolved. Its taste has a big softness and character, with strong notes of jam. The gradation of at least 14 degrees makes it an excellent meditation wine.
Valtellina Superiore D.O.C.G. This other boast of Valtellina production, D.O.C.G. since 1998, can also carry the name of one of the 5 under zones recognized: SASSELLA, GRUMELLO, INFERNO, VALGELLA, MAROGGIA. When it comes from peak years, with ageing of at least 36 months, it can receive even the qualification of RESERVE.
Its refinement will proceed for at least 24 months, in oak barrels first and then in bottles set in wine cellars with humidity and temperature features optimum and constant all over the year.
This wine, with a ruby red colour verging on garnet with orangey shimmers, with a fine fragrance of flowers and red fruits, with a dry and warm flavour and a pleasant bottom of brushwood fruits, will be exquisite to be served with plates of red meat or game and also matured cheeses, served at a temperature around 18°C.
Vertemate Vino Passito "Valtellina: vineyards of Palazzo Vertemate": at the beginning of the 20th century, the bottles of wine produced by Mr and Mrs Brianzi, the owners of Palazzo Vertemate Franchi, carried this label. The palace is one of the most interesting Renaissance residences of our region. The vinyard spreads below the garden bordered by a long window lined balcony, today as then, degrading in a light slope towards boundary ward, shoe-shaped inside, on which the rows of vines run across in the last century. These ones produced the best grapes as enjoyed the sun warm during the day and the warm that stones had trapped and sent out during the night.
Today, Mamete Prevosti take care of that vineyard; in 2005, the farm obtained the first bottles of "Sweet Wine Vertemate", made by a mixture of Riesling grapes and aromatic Traminer.
Those grapes were dried in fruttaio until the end of February, so the wine was fermented and aged for eight months in small oak barrels.
Typical dessert wine, for meditation, it shows with an intense yellow color, smelling of peach and dry apricot with elegant shades of honey and tropical fruit; the taste is sweet and thick, but fragrant and mineral with candied aftertaste
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