It stands there, silent and lonely, as it has for more than a thousand years. It looks at the river Mera flowing over the centuries, recalling times of flood, in which the river burst its banks increasing moisture in the structure&´s walls. It waits there, ready to show its historical and artistical treasures only to the ones who patiently dare to reach it.
Since the end of the last restaurations, Sunday visitors have been pouring in great numbers, especially in spring and summer. At the very north end of Alto Lario, over the Lake of Mezzola at the entrance of Valchiavenna there exists what it can be considered the source, not just architectural, but symbolic too, of the Romanesque style - of the Como and Valtellina area - which have developed from the year one thousand: the picturesque small church of San Fedelino, one of the most precious artifacts of Romanesque art in Lombardy, the monument most ancient of the area.
Close to Berlinghera Mountain, on a slice of land looking onto the river Mera which a bit further down, enters the Lake of Mezzola, there is this tempietto, accessible by a path from Casenda (Samolaco) or by boat from Novate Mezzola.
Its position, off the beaten track, has, over the centuries, been the luck of San Fedelino. It has never been a crowded destination, although devotion to the Saint has been always high.
The church remains untouched, never changed from its original architectural structure, which is the reason why it appears to be perfect witness of popular devotion from the beginning of the last millennium.
History, art and environment make San Fedelino a worth visiting destination, able to reward the unusual hike.
From April till October
Saturday, Sunday and national holidays: 14-17
Full ticket: € 1,00
Reduced ticket: € 0,50
- children (up to 18 years old);
- students;
- groups with at least10 people);
- over 60 years.
Storia della macinazione
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
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“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (