Holidays of a lifetime. Literally. In Vallespluga.
It’s not overstating the case to say that Enrico Minotti might well have actually taken his very first steps in the meadows and woods around the village of Fraciscio. Fast forward a few years and once school had finished for the summer it was routine to head up from home in Brianza and stay for three months in the upper valley. No surprise then that Enrico developed an enormous passion for the mountains which has never gone away. For fully 25 years he was a valuable member of the CAI mountain instructor team, then after the birth of his son his interest in the art of photography blossomed so much so that he soon became a well-respected contributor to the various social networks.
A deep admiration for mountain heroes such as Walter Bonatti, a regular rendezvous with Aurelio at Fraciscio and a genuine belief in the potential to communicate to others the magnificent Valchiavenna landscapes through his lens meant that he was on a constant lookout to capture a particular circumstance, a moment, for all time.
And it seems he successfully managed to juggle work commitments with his determination to head off with his camera in constant search for the light conditions which would do justice to the landscapes all around. There were times when he had to bear the brunt of jokes from friends/colleagues when the fickle nature of mountain weather rather ruined a proposed venture but ‘cloudy’ Minotti would regard a mere glimpse of Pizzo Stella as well worth the effort of any outing undertaken.
As for the future: he dreams of becoming a ‘photographic’ Alpine guide. And why not indeed, as he has very recently retired. It’s a situation to be taken advantage of – as we already have – see the accompanying photos to this short article. So many thanks Enrico for your availability and of course your art. Happy snapping!
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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (